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E Gold Investment – What Is The True Value

    evolution of money grphic

    Now, more than ever, we are beginning to see the limits of non-real, wealth-based money systems. Purchasing with a credit card is just a “paper” transaction. It is not supported by material goods. If the person who started the purchase doesn't pay, the seller is almost always unlucky. The use of gold investments is different as all transactions are backed by the equivalent of gold.

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    Think about it like this. When purchasing with a credit card, the person buying the product or service actually has nothing to support the purchase. They essentially allow you to back this up with a “promise to pay”.

    If you don't pay your bill, it just won't get paid. If it happens as often as it does in today's economy, it means many companies are lacking the money.

    On the other hand with e-gold. It is like buying a product or service and handing over the exact amount of gold to meet the purchase price.

    It's very similar to the old days. Imagine an old western part where someone goes into a grocery store and pays for a product with a certain ounce of gold. It had real, concrete value and is the concept behind e-gold.

    Today's banknotes are just as good as the government behind them. It is no longer as directly linked to actual gold reserves as it used to be. In the past, when the government was printing $ 1 billion in currency, it kept $ 1 billion of gold in a vault. They didn't print more money than they had in actual gold reserves.

    At least in the US, that doesn't work anymore. The current monetary system is based on the idea of ​​debt. The Treasury Department can print more money if it deems it necessary and there is no need to worry about pegging it to the actual gold standard.

    Many believe that it is inevitable to return to the gold standard method of determining money circulation. Part of the current economic collapse is due to the fact that nothing “supports” our currency.

    Investing in gold-backed currencies is on the rise as almost every country in the world realizes the value of gold. Again, this can be tricky when you are investing around the world and the currencies of different countries are worth different amounts.

    However, when you invest with Egold it depends on the value you set as an actual gold bar supports the investment.

    You can find more information about investing in gold online. There you will find all the information you need to explain the concept and the advantages of a secure investment with real gold reserves.

    For a deeper and broader discussion of this and related subject matter, refer to our eBook How to Buy Gold Online and Safely Store Offshore. Here you can view the eBook.