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Why Gold & Bitcoin Make Good Money – eBook

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    Diversify Your Currency & Savings To Beat Inflation

    Dear fellow inflation fighter, who is worried about your savings going up in smoke,

    The government continues to commit and spend money that it doesn’t have and that means the fed continues to create money from thin air.  And this dilutes the value of each dollar already in circulation, including those in your bank and investment accounts. 

    This continuous currency devaluation is what leads to inflation.  Your investment account could be going up, but the actual purchasing power could be going down. 

    You’re already feeling it, when you are having to spend more to get the same products you are use to buying. 

    Many people are already looking for alternatives to banks and treasuries and other dollar denominated assets, as a means of storing their money.  And there are going to be a lot more people looking, as the realize the government doesn’t tell them to real inflation numbers, but they sure can feel the effects when they are paying more and getting less. 

    There are alternatives, ways of protecting what you have or what’s left of it.  There are actions you could take that would help you to survive and thrive during these inflationary times.   would you be interested to know about these alternatives and take appropriate action to protect yourself and those who depend on you?

    You have dreams of how you want to live and things you want to do with the money you save and invest.  Would you rather let go of your dreams or do everything in your power to beat inflation and build real wealth with real assets?  I’m guessing you would rather keep your dreams and security, if you only know how.

    About the Author

    Hello, I'm Michael Roth, the mind behind “Why Gold and Bitcoin Make Good Money: How to Protect Your Money During Inflationary Times.” Let me share with you a glimpse of my journey and how it led me to explore the world of precious metals and cryptocurrency.

    Growing up, I witnessed firsthand the impact of inflation on hardworking families. The value of the dollar seemed to diminish with each passing year, and it left many struggling to make ends meet. It wasn't until I personally felt the pinch of rising prices and the eroding power of my earnings that I started questioning the traditional financial system.

    As I delved into the economic landscape, I couldn't ignore the effects of policies that seemed to contribute to what we now call “Bidenflation.” It became clear that relying solely on conventional financial instruments was not a sustainable approach to preserving wealth.

    My aha moment came when I stumbled upon the potential of precious metals and cryptocurrency as alternatives to the depreciating dollar. Gold, with its timeless value, and Bitcoin, with its decentralized nature, stood out as beacons of stability in a sea of economic uncertainty.

    This realization inspired me to pen down “Why Gold and Bitcoin Make Good Money,” a guide born out of personal experience and a commitment to helping others safeguard their finances. In this book, I share practical strategies to navigate the challenges of inflationary times, providing a roadmap to financial security through the power of gold and cryptocurrency.

    Join me on this journey of financial empowerment, where we break free from the shackles of a depreciating currency and learn to protect our hard-earned money. Together, let's explore the transformative potential of precious metals and digital assets in the face of economic uncertainty.

    🌟 Who Should Grab a Copy?

    1. Savvy Investors: Dive into the world of gold and silver with actionable strategies tailored for seasoned investors. 📈💰
    2. Novice Investors: Whether you're new to investing or curious about precious metals, this book provides a user-friendly guide. 📘🌐
    3. Wealth Protectors: Safeguard your assets and explore offshore options to shield your wealth from economic uncertainties. 🌐💼
    4. Cryptocurrency Enthusiasts: Discover the synergy between gold, silver, and cryptocurrencies for a diversified investment portfolio. 🪙🔗
    5. Inflation Fighters: Gain insights on hedging against inflation, making informed decisions in a changing economic landscape. 📉🚫💸
    6. Global Thinkers: Learn the ropes of offshore wealth storage and international investment to expand your financial horizons. 🌍🌐
    7. Financial Freedom Seekers: Uncover the path to financial independence through wise investment choices and asset protection. 🚀💸🗝️
    8. Everyone who is Terrified: By the account seizures that occurred during the Canadian Trucker Rally, to the Truckers and Donors. 🚚💔
    9. Secure the Future: Essential guide for Retirees and Savers with IRA/401k plans seeking to safeguard their wealth from inflation. 💰✨
    putin on gold and bitcoin
    why gold and bitcoin make good money bookcover

    “Roth's guide offers a comprehensive roadmap for safeguarding wealth. From offshoring gold to navigating cryptocurrencies, it's a must-read in today's economic climate.” Sarah J.

    “Why Gold & Bitcoin Make Good Money,' Michael Roth skillfully breaks down currency diversification strategies. A vital resource for protecting your assets amidst economic uncertainties.” Jim P.

    “A well-rounded handbook on financial security. Roth covers everything from precious metals to cryptocurrency, guiding readers to make informed decisions in wealth preservation and investment.” Marvin S.

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    12 Lesson Podcast in MP3
    1. What Is Bitcoin And Crypto Currency
    2. How Does Bitcoin Work
    3. The History Of Bitcoin
    4. How To Cash In On Bitcoin And Crypto Currencies
    5. How To Get Your First Bitcoin Wallet
    6. How To Start Mining Bitcoin
    7. How To Mine Bitcoin And Digital Currencies And – Part 1
    8. How To Mine Bitcoin And Digital Currencies And – Part 2
    9. How To Trade In Bitcoins Or Other Digital Currencies
    10. How To Start Accepting Bitcoins
    11. How To Get Free Bitcoins
    12. Get Started With Bitcoin Fast Start Game Plan

    Get Your Copy of the eBook and Your Free Gift, Now and Secure Your Financial Freedom!